Father unleashes hospital shooting to save son declared 'brain dead': A story of miraculous recovery


Doctors at a Texas hospital told George Pickering that his son was brain-dead. They said, “He has no brain activity,” and planned to take him off life support. But George didn’t believe them and pulled out a gun. He threatened to shoot the doctors if they didn’t keep trying to save his son.

For three hours, George was in a standoff with the police while doctors ran more tests on his son. The hospital went into lockdown as the police tried to negotiate with him. George, however, refused to back down. Then something incredible happened—his son, who was supposed to be brain-dead, squeezed his hand when George asked him to. This proved that his son’s mind was still working. George immediately surrendered to the police.

George Pickering II spent 11 months in prison for what he did, but his son made a full recovery.

This is still one of the wildest stories I’ve ever heard. As a father, I can only feel sympathy for George. Being a father sometimes means doing whatever it takes, no matter how far you have to go.